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Thursday, 10 August 2017
mesothelioma lawyer
coverage: Part A: Everyone involved receives this. It covers inpatient care in hospitals, inpatient care in a nursing, hospice or home facility. Part B: Costs an additional premium each month and includes doctor visits, laboratory costs, medical equipment and ambulance care. Part C: It also costs an additional fee and is a combination of parts A and B. It's provided by private insurance companies as supplemental insurance. Part D: Helps pay for prescription drugs. Medicaid is designed to cover the cost of medical care for those below a certain income level who did not qualify for Medicare. Not all health care providers accept it, and the benefits can vary from state to state, but mesothelioma treatment can be obtained. Limitations Many health insurance plans have a broad network of providers that offer a variety of choices for your care. Others have narrower networks and choices are limited, which becomes a problem, but not a door closer. Mesothelioma presents a unique set of health insurance problems because it is so rare. Few medical professionals are familiar with it and comfortable treating it effectively. To get the best care, patients should locate a mesothelioma specialist, even when it means going outside the network – and meeting a higher deductible – to do it. Talk to your local oncologist or your primary care physician and explain your insistence to see a mesothelioma specialist. They can help facilitate the approval to go outside of network if necessary. Medicare and Medicaid patients who need to go outside their state will encounter additional hurdles, but they are not insurmountable. Get a Free Mesothelioma Guide Free information, books, wristbands and more for patients and caregivers. Get Your Free Guide Free Mesothelioma Packet What Happens When a Claim Is Denied? If a claim is denied by your insurance company or you are told your coverage doesn't include a particular mesothelioma specialist, don't stop there. Don't get discouraged. And don't take no for an answer. Be your own advocate. "A lot of times, people just give up when they are told no," said Missy Edmunds, medical outreach director and patient advocate at "But you can't give up. You re-submit the request. You go back to your doctor, and talk to him about it. We work with patients to help get them approved." Contact a patient advocate at who can help you work through the process. They know the specialists who will help facilitate the process. It's not easy to navigate through the health insurance maze, but it's possible. Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into effect in 2014 and made it easier for low-income families to acquire health insurance through government subsidies. It also set minimum health insurance standards that include cancer screenings, cancer treatment and follow-up care. The ACA ensures cancer patients participating in clinical trials will be covered. It also removes annual and lifetime maximums that insurance plans would pay for cancer patients. It prohibit insurance companies from dropping patients with life-threatening diseases like mesothelioma, and it allows patients with pre-existing conditions, like cancer, to obtain coverage with a health insurance plan. VA Benefits and Insurance Military veterans often are eligible for benefits under the U.S. Veterans Health Administration, a national network that includes Dr. Robert Cameron in Los Angeles and Dr. Abraham Lebenthal in Boston, two prominent mesothelioma specialists. Veterans account for an inordinate amount of mesothelioma patients. They are eligible to see mesothelioma specialists wherever they choose, provided their local doctor agrees. And their out-of-pocket expenses should be minimal in the VA system. has a veteran's counselor who can help you work through the system and arrange travel grants to make it happen. Exposed to Asbestos in the Military? Learn more about benefits available to veterans affected by an asbestos-related illness. Get Help Now Insurance and Diagnostics Not only is mesothelioma difficult to treat, but it also is difficult to diagnose, which means multiple tests to confirm a diagnosis. mesothelioma lawyer
serious illnesses, which lead to a battery of tests, many which must be approved by insurance plans. The diagnosis might start with X-rays, followed by an MRI and later CT scans and PET scans — all designed to eliminate other possible causes. Fluid and tissue samples are later obtained through biopsies to confirm any suspicions of mesothelioma. Those can be done multiple ways, depending on the doctor performing them. Biopsies can be done through a thoracoscopy, which involves a camera equipped tube that is inserted through the chest wall or a fine needle aspiration. There also are excisional biopsies, which include tumor cell samples. A mesothelioma specialist, who knows exactly what to look for, often can streamline the process, making the insurance issue easier. Find the Best Mesothelioma Specialist Finding a mesothelioma specialist often requires out-of-network and out-of-state travel to find the best possible medical care, which can complicate health insurance. But finding a top specialist will be worth the extra step and cost. There are many examples of mesothelioma patients extending their lives because they were willing to fly across the country to see thoracic surgeon Dr. David Sugarbaker, who is now at the Baylor University Lung Institute in Houston. Others have seen Dr. Raja Flores at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, or Dr. Rodney Landreneau at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. "To get the best treatment, it's critically important to find a mesothelioma specialist," said Moffitt Cancer Center's thoracic surgeon Dr. Jacques Fontaine, whose patients travel across the Southeast to see him. "It can make such a difference in terms of survival." Additional Resources Free VA Claims Assistance Get Help Now Get Help Paying for Treatment & More Learn More Support Group for Patients Join the Group Now Tim Povtak AUTHOR Tim Povtak Tim Povtak is an award-winning writer with more than 30 years of reporting national and international news. His specialty is interviewing top mesothelioma specialists and researchers, reporting the latest news at mesothelioma cancer centers and talking with survivors and caregivers. If you have a story idea for Tim, please email him at View Article Sources Share Our Page Share Tweet Share View our resources for patients and families Get Help Today NAVIGATION Mesothelioma Finding Treatment Help For Veterans Legal Options News About Disclaimer FAQs Privacy Policy Blog MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Stay up-to-date on treatment, research, clinical trials, doctors and survivors. Email Address SIGN UP CERTIFICATIONS This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: Verify Here. mesothelioma
serious illnesses, which lead to a battery of tests, many which must be approved by insurance plans. The diagnosis might start with X-rays, followed by an MRI and later CT scans and PET scans — all designed to eliminate other possible causes. Fluid and tissue samples are later obtained through biopsies to confirm any suspicions of mesothelioma. Those can be done multiple ways, depending on the doctor performing them. Biopsies can be done through a thoracoscopy, which involves a camera equipped tube that is inserted through the chest wall or a fine needle aspiration. There also are excisional biopsies, which include tumor cell samples. A mesothelioma specialist, who knows exactly what to look for, often can streamline the process, making the insurance issue easier. Find the Best Mesothelioma Specialist Finding a mesothelioma specialist often requires out-of-network and out-of-state travel to find the best possible medical care, which can complicate health insurance. But finding a top specialist will be worth the extra step and cost. There are many examples of mesothelioma patients extending their lives because they were willing to fly across the country to see thoracic surgeon Dr. David Sugarbaker, who is now at the Baylor University Lung Institute in Houston. Others have seen Dr. Raja Flores at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, or Dr. Rodney Landreneau at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. "To get the best treatment, it's critically important to find a mesothelioma specialist," said Moffitt Cancer Center's thoracic surgeon Dr. Jacques Fontaine, whose patients travel across the Southeast to see him. "It can make such a difference in terms of survival." Additional Resources Free VA Claims Assistance Get Help Now Get Help Paying for Treatment & More Learn More Support Group for Patients Join the Group Now Tim Povtak AUTHOR Tim Povtak Tim Povtak is an award-winning writer with more than 30 years of reporting national and international news. His specialty is interviewing top mesothelioma specialists and researchers, reporting the latest news at mesothelioma cancer centers and talking with survivors and caregivers. If you have a story idea for Tim, please email him at View Article Sources Share Our Page Share Tweet Share View our resources for patients and families Get Help Today NAVIGATION Mesothelioma Finding Treatment Help For Veterans Legal Options News About Disclaimer FAQs Privacy Policy Blog MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Stay up-to-date on treatment, research, clinical trials, doctors and survivors. Email Address SIGN UP CERTIFICATIONS This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: Verify Here. mesothelioma
Mesothelioma and Health Insurance Coverage
Mesothelioma and Health Insurance Coverage There’s no doubt that health insurance helps
mesothelioma patients pay for treatments, but there may be limitations and
other complications involved in the claims process. "I can help you
quickly find the financial assistance you need." - Joe Lahav, Legal Expert
Get Help Now Good health insurance can make a big difference with a diagnosis
of mesothelioma because it allows a patient to focus on specialized treatment
without an overwhelming financial worry. To varying degrees, health insurance
should make mesothelioma treatment affordable. However, health insurance is a
complex, controversial topic in America today. It also can simplify the process
of receiving the best possible care, providing a patient every chance to
survive. Health insurance helps make it possible to get the tests and
procedures, see the doctors who can help, and receive the medical care that can
prolong life. It is a virtual necessity today to help offset the high costs
associated with cancer care, particularly with a rare cancer like mesothelioma,
which requires a personalized approach. mesothelioma

How Does Health Insurance Help
mesothelioma lawyer
- How Does Health Insurance Help? Health insurance comes in a variety of ways, serving as a contract between a patient and an insurance company that has agreed to pay a portion of the medical costs. Plans today will differ on how much of the total cost it will pay or exactly what it will cover
- Get Help Finding a Doctor We'll help you find the most qualified mesothelioma specialists, treatment facilities and clinical trials in your area. Get Help Now Public Insurance Medicare and Medicaid are the largest federally funded public health insurance programs in the U.S., although both are administered by the states which adjust them accordingly. Medicare typically covers those over the age of 65 who have paid into the system throughout their working lives.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Hot offers and great deals iPhone 7 Plus. Double Data. Simply brilliant
Check out these incredible offer and cool deals on our mobile phone and mobile broadband plans and devices. You might score bonus data or a discount on our Prepaid services. Be sure to check back soon because new offers are posted attorney regularly.. mesothelioma lawyer . mesothelioma
Get 128GB for the price of 32GB when you sign up to our $80 Red Data plan. That’s $99/month. 8GB included + 8GB bonus data. $80 plan + $19 device. All for use in Oz. 128GB capacity. Over 24 months. Total min cost $2,376. Offer ends 15/08/17. T&C apply Get 128GB for the price of 32GB when you sign up to our $80 Red Data plan. That’s $99/month. 8GB included + 8GB bonus data. $80 plan + $19 device. All for use in Oz. 128GB capacity. Over 24 months. Total min cost $2,376. Offer ends 15/08/17. T&C appl Get 128GB for the price of 32GB when you sign up to our $80 Red Data plan. That’s $99/month. 8GB included + 8GB bonus data. $80 plan + $19 device. All for use in Oz. 128GB capacity. Over 24 months. Total min cost $2,376. Offer ends 15/08/17. T&C apply... lawyers for mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a rare, aggressive form of cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. Caused by asbestos, mesothelioma has no known cure and has a very poor prognosis. According to a 2017 report by the Centers for Disease Control, 2,400 – 2,800 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma in the United States each year. People who have worked with or been exposed to asbestos have the highest risk of developing mesothelioma. After being exposed to asbestos, mesothelioma symptoms can take 20 – 50 years to appear. The life expectancy for mesothelioma patients is poor, as there is no cure for the disease. The stage of the disease, cell type, and location of the tumor(s) are the most important factors for a patient’s survival. Factors such as the patient’s overall health, age, and whether the cancer has spread also impact prognosis.

Thursday, 3 August 2017
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
mesothelioma attorney
mesothelioma attorney
Speaking with a mesothelioma law firm is an important step for many. If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you may be entitled to compensation from a company that manufactured and/or sold asbestos-containing products. To find out if you have a case, and how much money you could receive, it’s essential that you discuss your situation with the right mesothelioma law firm.
malignant mesothelioma of pleura
malignant mesothelioma of pleura
Pleural mesothelioma is a rare and malignant cancer caused by asbestos. Mesothelioma tumors form in the pleura, a thin membrane of cells that line the lungs and chest wall.
Pleural Mesothelioma Pleural mesothelioma is a rare and malignant cancer caused by asbestos. Mesothelioma tumors form in the pleura, a thin membrane of cells that line the lungs and chest wall. Parts of the Lung Affected by Pleural Mesothelioma Parts of the Lung Affected by Pleural Mesothelioma How Is Pleural Mesothelioma Unique? As the most common type of asbestos-related cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma accounts for approximately 80 – 90 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Pleural mesothelioma differs from other types in four primary ways: Location: Pleural mesothelioma is located in the linings of the lungs and the chest wall, known as the pleura. Symptoms: As the disease mostly affects the lungs, the primary symptoms affect the respiratory system, such as shortness of breath, or the thoracic cavity, such as chest pain. Treatment: The standard treatment for pleural mesothelioma is surgery, which often includes removal of some or all of the pleura and possibly part of the lung, combined with chemotherapy and/or radiation. Survival: The prognosis for pleural mesothelioma is poor, with a median survival time of about 1 year. However, there are cases of long-term survival, in some cases as long as 20 years.
Sunday, 30 July 2017
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Wednesday, 11 January 2017
5 ways to make money without having to work
5 ways to make money without having to work
Suffering from personal injury is a huge fear for many. It’s not just the medical bills or the pain that is the worry, but also the fact that many people may find themselves out of work. Those with physical jobs rely heavily on their bodies in order to pay their bills and a personal injury can really put a dent in their finances. If you have suffered from an injury and are facing financial hardship due to being out of work, there is hope! Here are just a couple of ways that you can earn money if you find yourself out of work due to an injury.
Sell Online
The internet can be your best friend if you find yourself out of work. There are plenty of ways for you to sell things online. Start off with what you have at home. Is there an attic or basement full of things that you never use? Go through all of your “junk” and see what items you can get rid of. Have a yard sale, get on E-bay or Craigslist and see what you can earn some money for. If you have exhausted all of your personal items, try selling something that you make. Learn a new craft like woodworking, kitting or greeting card decoration and start earning cash. You can use sites like Etsy to sell what you make or go to local markets and sell your items.
File a Case
Depending on how you were injured, you may have a legal case to make. While not everyone is familiar with the legal process, nor wants to deal with it. Filing a case could be in your best interest. With a proper legal team to back you, there is a good chance that you could be entitled to some money to compensate you for the injury. It’s worth exploring to find out if your situation is eligible because you could get a payout. While this may not solve the problem entirely, it could give you the cash that you need to supplement these other work alternatives until you can get back to your regular job.
Rent a Room
One of your best assets for making extra money may just be your home. The income would be nearly passive as you wouldn’t have to do much but make the arrangements. This may not be the most comfortable of options but it could be the easiest. And, as it won’t take up a lot of your time, you could actually earn an income from your space while still working on your other money making endevours at the same time. You can list a room on Craigslist but if you happen to live in a destination that may be appealing to travelers, Airbnb could be a great option. The latter offers much more flexibility and often a higher income reward.
Become a Freelancer
Do you have any skills that are marketable? Take a moment to reflect on the things you are good at. Can you write, take good photography or video, do funny voice impersonations or make music? If so, there may be someone out there willing to pay you for these skills. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork are great platforms where freelancers of all kinds can offer their skills. It’s a great way to earn some money right from your computer.
Get Websites to Pay You
Another way to utilize your laptop is to find websites that will actually pay you to do work. You can try CrowdSource, for small tasks and writing jobs, Liveops, for phone answering services or Speakwrite, to transcribe information. Use Project Payday to get paid for giving testimonials, User Testing for testing websites and IZEA, a platform that pays you to take photos or blog. The options here are endless.
Don’t give up hope just because the job that you are used to doing is not an option at the moment. A personal injury is something that you can overcome and with these resources, you won’t have to do it without any cash coming in!
MONEY MAKING 25 ways to make money from home online filling surveys, getting paid to watch TV and even selling your hair
MONEY MAKING 25 ways to make money from home online filling surveys, getting paid to watch TV and even selling your hair
From filling in online surveys, creating a viral website, transcribing meetings and conferences or even selling your hair
But here are some ways to earn some extra cash without necessarily having to leave the house.
From filling in online surveys, creating a viral website, transcribing meetings and conferences or even selling your hair
But here are some ways to earn some extra cash without necessarily having to leave the house.
ombat rising bills by making money from your home, including filling in online surveys, getting paid to hug strangers and selling your hair
From filling in online surveys, creating a viral website, transcribing meetings and conferences or even selling your hair.
1. Become a part-time virtual assistant
Busy business owners are often on the lookout for someone to help with their admin or one-off tasks.
As a virtual assistant, you could use your experience and skills to complete a wide variety of tasks, such as diary management or document editing, for a small number of regular clients.
Clients benefit because they get the help they need to run their business without the cost, risk and hassle of employing someone. You benefit because you get to work from home, choosing hours to suit you.
For example, those with two to three years' experience as a PA, admin assistant or secretary could sign up to Time Etc, which provides flexible, part-time work from home. The platform finds work for you with guaranteed and fixed hourly pay rates, which start at £ 11 per hour.
2. Transcribe meetings and conferences
If you have a fast typing speed and can pick up on different accents and pronunciations, you could become a transcriber.
Many companies send audio recordings of conferences, meetings and speeches to be transcribed by a set deadline.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
The Bots That Make Money (Or Lose It) for You While You Sleep
The Bots That Make Money (Or Lose It) for You While You Sleep
Bitcoin does not sleep, nor from its markets. Most exchanges run 24/7, day and night even on weekends and holidays.
This is one reason some day traders - the people who trade on the price swings per hour or even per minute - use trading bots. These software programs can be plugged directly into exchanges, to apply trading strategies even when their operators are away from their computer, or busy doing something else.
Indeed, if there is such a thing as "money making machines," trading bots are it.
Or are they?
Bots that are available on the market include Haasbot, Tradewave and Cryptotrader, the latter of which is cloud-based.
Each of these trading bots react to market behavior on a specific exchange, and place buy and sell offers accordingly.
The place is nothing out of the ordinary, and could be placed manually as well. However, by programming a sequence of orders, which is called "pre-ordering," traders can apply the trading strategy without needing to monitor the markets continuously.
Stephan de Haas is Founder of Haas Online and creator of Haasbot. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, I outlined a basic example of a pre-ordering strategy:
"Let's say I bought 10 bitcoins, and I want to sell them if the price is $ 1200. This can be done at exchanges already, of course. But using the bot, I can set it up to sell at $ 1200, buy back at $ 1000 and sell it all again at $ 1100. So I am building up a sequence of ordering events that must take place, and I define the exact target prices on it. "
De Haas is a solid believer that these trading bots can make money consistently. By using Technical Analysis (TA) tools provided by the bot, users should be able to gain an edge on other traders, especially those that do not use trading bots.
Additionally, bots typically offer "insurance" options. Perhaps most importantly, these include "stop loss" orders that sell bitcoins if a predetermined low point is reached - for example, $ 950. This way, traders are sure they will not lose more than, say, five percent of their holdings, if the market crashes while they are away.
Money Making Machines? Not Guaranteed
Some are more skeptical about the value of trading bots, however.
Jacob Eliosoff runs a small digital currency investment firm whose strategies include algorithmic market making. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Eliosoff agreed that bots can help traders - but noted that traders still make the decisions.
"It can be handy to have a bot that adjusts your orders based on market conditions," said Eliosoff. "However, where bot would guarantee return on investment, the traditional question is: Why are the creators of these bots selling it to you rather than running it themselves? If the bot does not decide which trades to do, but just helps you run your own strategy better - fair enough. Keep in mind there are no free lunches. "
Indeed, these kinds of trading bots serve as a tool, not as solutions themselves. And if these tools are also useful on the individual trader: Some full-time traders are profitable without using any bots at all.
The person known as "Kazonomics," who runs a trading group from his website, is not a fan of bots. Asked by Bitcoin Magazine, I did agree bots can be helpful for some people - but also does not believe any golden formula would guarantee an income.
"Having the right formula to do what you want, and be profitable in the market is not the same thing," he noted. "And TA in itself will not guarantee you any profits. There is no TA that would have, one year ago, called the correct low of oil, for example. "
Aside from pre-ordering, bots can also be used to take advantage of market inefficiencies.
Two well-known strategies to benefit from market inefficiencies include arbitrage trading and market making. The former takes advantage of the difference between different exchanges, for example to buy bitcoins for $ 1020 on Bitstamp and sell them for $ 1030 on Kraken. The latter places orders on otherwise low-volume exchanges, at slightly increased prices when compared to other exchanges, again to apply arbitrage.
Typically, trading strategies benefit from market inefficiencies. Perhaps this is where trading bots are particularly useful, Eliosoff noted. "Bots can do well if they allow for more efficient - cheaper or faster - execution of large orders, or electronic market making," he said.
De Haas, too, thinks bots can take advantage of market inefficiencies.
"The flashcrash bot is one of our best bots," he said. "A flashcrash is when prices on an exchange change very rapidly, and the bot exploits this by buying up cheap coins and selling when the price returns to normal levels. This bot can between 5 and 15 percent a day, on average. Exchanges love this bot, too: It makes their order books more liquid. "
Kazonomics agreed that profiting from inefficiencies is probably the biggest advantage a trading bot can offer. "Models built around arbitrage and other mean reverting strategies, if done right, can work by exploiting market inefficiencies," he said. Though, noting: "But I do not know anyone with a working model who will sell it."
The problem with these strategies, Eliosoff said, is that they are, frankly, too easy to apply. If anyone can make money by simply turning on a machine that benefits from inefficiencies, many will; As a result, the inefficiencies will disappear over time. A trader profiting from inefficiencies will either need to keep finding new inefficiencies, or simply competes with everyone else.
Eliosoff's trading fund primarily engages in algorithmic market making, the more complex strategy that smooths out large orders on a single exchange. "I specifically avoided cross-exchange arbitrage because I see it too easy and so too prone to competition," he said.
So while Eliosoff believes that profit can be made from inefficiencies, I concur that it's not necessarily easy.
"Saying there are lots of ways to profit from arbitrage, market making and these types of strategies, is far from saying profits are guaranteed. Bots are like startups: obviously some succeed; Also obviously, most do not. All in all, it's hard, and gets harder. The easier the strategy, the faster others are to jump in too, "Eliosoff said.
The surefire strategy that will make you money forever seems unlikely, therefore. And while some will argue otherwise, it's virtually impossible to do so with a publicly available strategy. These will just be copied into oblivion.
"Value requires scarcity plus utility ... so nothing of value is widely available," Kazonomics explained. "That includes trading bots. Once these are widely disbursed into the market, they become unprofitable pretty quickly. "
And the day traders are playing the markets - or perhaps more accurately, playing each other - only the best and most dedicated will have a shot at making money long-term. Even if bots are a useful tool for some, "the most dangerous fallacy about bots is the idea that there is some off-the-shelf magic gizmo you can buy that will produce a little stream of free money," Eliosoff said. "To make steady money, you need to build something yourself."
De Haas, however, remains optimistic his bot can help traders: "100 percent sure."
Bitcoin does not sleep, nor from its markets. Most exchanges run 24/7, day and night even on weekends and holidays.
This is one reason some day traders - the people who trade on the price swings per hour or even per minute - use trading bots. These software programs can be plugged directly into exchanges, to apply trading strategies even when their operators are away from their computer, or busy doing something else.
Indeed, if there is such a thing as "money making machines," trading bots are it.
Or are they?
Bots that are available on the market include Haasbot, Tradewave and Cryptotrader, the latter of which is cloud-based.
Each of these trading bots react to market behavior on a specific exchange, and place buy and sell offers accordingly.
The place is nothing out of the ordinary, and could be placed manually as well. However, by programming a sequence of orders, which is called "pre-ordering," traders can apply the trading strategy without needing to monitor the markets continuously.
Stephan de Haas is Founder of Haas Online and creator of Haasbot. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, I outlined a basic example of a pre-ordering strategy:
"Let's say I bought 10 bitcoins, and I want to sell them if the price is $ 1200. This can be done at exchanges already, of course. But using the bot, I can set it up to sell at $ 1200, buy back at $ 1000 and sell it all again at $ 1100. So I am building up a sequence of ordering events that must take place, and I define the exact target prices on it. "
De Haas is a solid believer that these trading bots can make money consistently. By using Technical Analysis (TA) tools provided by the bot, users should be able to gain an edge on other traders, especially those that do not use trading bots.
Additionally, bots typically offer "insurance" options. Perhaps most importantly, these include "stop loss" orders that sell bitcoins if a predetermined low point is reached - for example, $ 950. This way, traders are sure they will not lose more than, say, five percent of their holdings, if the market crashes while they are away.
Money Making Machines? Not Guaranteed
Some are more skeptical about the value of trading bots, however.
Jacob Eliosoff runs a small digital currency investment firm whose strategies include algorithmic market making. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Eliosoff agreed that bots can help traders - but noted that traders still make the decisions.
"It can be handy to have a bot that adjusts your orders based on market conditions," said Eliosoff. "However, where bot would guarantee return on investment, the traditional question is: Why are the creators of these bots selling it to you rather than running it themselves? If the bot does not decide which trades to do, but just helps you run your own strategy better - fair enough. Keep in mind there are no free lunches. "
Indeed, these kinds of trading bots serve as a tool, not as solutions themselves. And if these tools are also useful on the individual trader: Some full-time traders are profitable without using any bots at all.
The person known as "Kazonomics," who runs a trading group from his website, is not a fan of bots. Asked by Bitcoin Magazine, I did agree bots can be helpful for some people - but also does not believe any golden formula would guarantee an income.
"Having the right formula to do what you want, and be profitable in the market is not the same thing," he noted. "And TA in itself will not guarantee you any profits. There is no TA that would have, one year ago, called the correct low of oil, for example. "
Aside from pre-ordering, bots can also be used to take advantage of market inefficiencies.
Two well-known strategies to benefit from market inefficiencies include arbitrage trading and market making. The former takes advantage of the difference between different exchanges, for example to buy bitcoins for $ 1020 on Bitstamp and sell them for $ 1030 on Kraken. The latter places orders on otherwise low-volume exchanges, at slightly increased prices when compared to other exchanges, again to apply arbitrage.
Typically, trading strategies benefit from market inefficiencies. Perhaps this is where trading bots are particularly useful, Eliosoff noted. "Bots can do well if they allow for more efficient - cheaper or faster - execution of large orders, or electronic market making," he said.
De Haas, too, thinks bots can take advantage of market inefficiencies.
"The flashcrash bot is one of our best bots," he said. "A flashcrash is when prices on an exchange change very rapidly, and the bot exploits this by buying up cheap coins and selling when the price returns to normal levels. This bot can between 5 and 15 percent a day, on average. Exchanges love this bot, too: It makes their order books more liquid. "
Kazonomics agreed that profiting from inefficiencies is probably the biggest advantage a trading bot can offer. "Models built around arbitrage and other mean reverting strategies, if done right, can work by exploiting market inefficiencies," he said. Though, noting: "But I do not know anyone with a working model who will sell it."
The problem with these strategies, Eliosoff said, is that they are, frankly, too easy to apply. If anyone can make money by simply turning on a machine that benefits from inefficiencies, many will; As a result, the inefficiencies will disappear over time. A trader profiting from inefficiencies will either need to keep finding new inefficiencies, or simply competes with everyone else.
Eliosoff's trading fund primarily engages in algorithmic market making, the more complex strategy that smooths out large orders on a single exchange. "I specifically avoided cross-exchange arbitrage because I see it too easy and so too prone to competition," he said.
So while Eliosoff believes that profit can be made from inefficiencies, I concur that it's not necessarily easy.
"Saying there are lots of ways to profit from arbitrage, market making and these types of strategies, is far from saying profits are guaranteed. Bots are like startups: obviously some succeed; Also obviously, most do not. All in all, it's hard, and gets harder. The easier the strategy, the faster others are to jump in too, "Eliosoff said.
The surefire strategy that will make you money forever seems unlikely, therefore. And while some will argue otherwise, it's virtually impossible to do so with a publicly available strategy. These will just be copied into oblivion.
"Value requires scarcity plus utility ... so nothing of value is widely available," Kazonomics explained. "That includes trading bots. Once these are widely disbursed into the market, they become unprofitable pretty quickly. "
And the day traders are playing the markets - or perhaps more accurately, playing each other - only the best and most dedicated will have a shot at making money long-term. Even if bots are a useful tool for some, "the most dangerous fallacy about bots is the idea that there is some off-the-shelf magic gizmo you can buy that will produce a little stream of free money," Eliosoff said. "To make steady money, you need to build something yourself."
De Haas, however, remains optimistic his bot can help traders: "100 percent sure."
Facebook is (finally) preparing to make money off its huge video audience
Facebook is (finally) preparing to make money off its huge video audience
Facebook is about to turn up the volume on its video competition with YouTube.
Videos on the social network can soon include mid-roll advertisements, allowing publishers to finally start making money from their videos, Recode reported Monday.
SEE ALSO: Facebook brings in new head of news partnerships
Unlike YouTube where ads run prior to the video and can be skippable after 5 seconds, ads within Facebook videos can be inserted 20 seconds into any video that lasts at least 90 seconds.
The move to ad breaks comes as little surprise to publishers. This mid-roll ad system is the same format Facebook has tested with live videos. "We've found that model is working well, and we plan to expand this test to make it available to more partners," Facebook spokesperson wrote in an email to Mashable.
Facebook's VP of Partnerships Dan Rose told Poynter last year the company had plans to incorporate into more live videos and within published videos early in 2017.
Facebook was not sharing any revenue from the ads with participating publishers during the initial testing with live. Now, Facebook will give away 55 percent and keep 45 percent, according to Recode. YouTube offers the exact same split.
Facebook declined to comment on the specific parameters.
This is not the only way publishers can earn money from Facebook videos. Facebook pays select partners, including Mashable, to create live videos. Publishers can also create branded content, as long as the brand is tagged with the Facebook post.
"We need to provide a range of solutions for the broad range of publishers and partners on our platform," the spokesperson wrote.
Facebook is about to turn up the volume on its video competition with YouTube.
Videos on the social network can soon include mid-roll advertisements, allowing publishers to finally start making money from their videos, Recode reported Monday.
SEE ALSO: Facebook brings in new head of news partnerships
Unlike YouTube where ads run prior to the video and can be skippable after 5 seconds, ads within Facebook videos can be inserted 20 seconds into any video that lasts at least 90 seconds.
The move to ad breaks comes as little surprise to publishers. This mid-roll ad system is the same format Facebook has tested with live videos. "We've found that model is working well, and we plan to expand this test to make it available to more partners," Facebook spokesperson wrote in an email to Mashable.
Facebook's VP of Partnerships Dan Rose told Poynter last year the company had plans to incorporate into more live videos and within published videos early in 2017.
Facebook was not sharing any revenue from the ads with participating publishers during the initial testing with live. Now, Facebook will give away 55 percent and keep 45 percent, according to Recode. YouTube offers the exact same split.
Facebook declined to comment on the specific parameters.
This is not the only way publishers can earn money from Facebook videos. Facebook pays select partners, including Mashable, to create live videos. Publishers can also create branded content, as long as the brand is tagged with the Facebook post.
"We need to provide a range of solutions for the broad range of publishers and partners on our platform," the spokesperson wrote.
How To Make Money With Your Business
How To Make Money With Your Business
No matter how popular your blog is, it will not make money if you do not monetize it. And even a well-designed and monetized blog can not make money if you do not know how to promote it. Too many recent posts on this topic have failed to point out that what works for the rich and famous is unlikely to work for your small business.
When Neil Patel writes about $ 1 million dollars a year, I hope people realize that when it comes to a brand-new blog, it's still the well-respected, world- Famous Neil Patel. I'd like to see some stats on how well a brand new website would make it possible.
No matter how popular your blog is, it will not make money if you do not monetize it. And even a well-designed and monetized blog can not make money if you do not know how to promote it. Too many recent posts on this topic have failed to point out that what works for the rich and famous is unlikely to work for your small business.
When Neil Patel writes about $ 1 million dollars a year, I hope people realize that when it comes to a brand-new blog, it's still the well-respected, world- Famous Neil Patel. I'd like to see some stats on how well a brand new website would make it possible.
Definitely read Neil's post and others to get information on how to monetize and promote your blog, but be clear on what will work for your business versus what only works if you are already famous or have very deep pockets to buy traffic.
First Define Your Goals
Before you set your goals and choose how to monetize and promote your blog, first rein in any unreasonable expectations.
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A YouTube star with 7.5 million subscribers explains how it makes money - and how the industry is changing
A YouTube star with 7.5 million subscribers explains how it makes money - and how the industry is changing
When 22-year-old Eva Gutowski first started making YouTube videos in college, she thought of it just as a way to help her broadcast journalism major. The idea that she could be a YouTube personality for a living did not even register in the general sense, let alone for her specifically.
Gutowski's YouTube channel MyLifeAsEva has over 7.5 million subscribers, she's coming out with a book, and has an upcoming TV show on YouTube's premium "Red" tier, with Emmy-winning actress Rhea Perlman.
And Gutowski is not the only one.
A crop of top YouTube stars are making up to $ 15 million per year, snagging shows in places like Netflix and HBO, and striking major deals with brands.
Business Insider talked to Gutowski to learn about how YouTube stars are making the leap from the video website to other venues, the various ways to make money and support to a career as a YouTube personality and what it's like to work in an industry that's still in the Process of defining itself.
A $ 20 dinner
Gutowski first discovered the power of YouTube when she was running a blog blog in college. She started making videos and embedding them into her blog posts, but then she noticed that the videos were actually getting on your views on YouTube than on her blog, and she switched her focus.
She heard that YouTube was an easy way to grow an audience for her particular mix of style, beauty, and comedy.
Gutowski's subscribers began to climb, but still, she was not exactly rolling in dough. She said the first check she got from YouTube was for $ 20.
"Maybe I can get myself a special dinner," she thought.
The first time she thought about her videos as a business was when she signed to Fullscreen, a network to help promote and develop stars on places like YouTube, in exchange for a portion of ad revenue. The underlying ad revenue began to provide enough of a baseline income for her to think about as a career.
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Make Money While Doing Good in 2017: How The "Imperative Fund" is Privatizing Philanthropy in United Nations SDGs Form
Make Money While Doing Good in 2017: How The "Imperative Fund" is Privatizing Philanthropy in United Nations SDGs Form
The United Nations SDGs have been taken into the world social business community by storm, influencing fortune 500 and emerging companies alike to shift to a new way of thinking. Social Business initiatives that make a sustainable economic impact for both communities and industry.

At the forefront of the movement are the millennials uniting ideas, causes and strategy to figure out their future as #OneForAll community. Purpose Young people all too often find themselves facing this question; Would you rather make money, or make the world a better place? Of course, a full and rich life requires both, but all too often, we are led to believe that doing good or making money is a binary choice. However, Camilo Galvis and Angelica Fuentes are taking steps to that way of thinking according to a recent NASDAQ Marketsite interview by Silvia Davi and
As co-founders of The Imperative Fund, Galvis and Fuentes work to pull struggling communities throughout the globe out of poverty. However, unlike so many philanthropic efforts, they are not seeking government help, but instead, they are looking to the free market to help spur sustainable environmental trade development.
"Camilo Galvis, who also serves as CEO of the Imperative Fund." "I think that the open market economy has served us well in achieving various different things, on a technological level and a scientific level that is groundbreaking. "So my real incentive was thinking, 'How can we bring social mobility to the sector?'"
A Holistic Approach to Economic Development
Camilo Galvis. "We have to realize that, in order to have a structural change, real impact in terms of the work we are doing in different communities, we will have to have a holistic approach." "In understanding, eventually, that poverty is multidimensional, and it's made up of the lack of access to various goods and services, we tried to think about it, even if it was just at a theoretical level: elimination? And we realized that we could move into a neighborhood, eliminate those poor conditions and recover 100% of the invested funds, which would then allow, in turn, to move on to the next community, and keep on doing and activating this process For as many communities as we can can benefit from such a framework. "
So what, precisely, is their model? Galvis explains it as such: "Imperative Fund moves into a community and eliminates all poverty conditions, in 24 months or less - and five years to recover the capital. With a 5% annual return on our investment. "
In order to ensure their efforts, the team at the Imperative Fund operates very strategically when choosing which regions to cultivate. "We're currently starting up work in Mexico," says Galvis. "The country was currently ripe for this type of work to be done. There is currently a considerable amount of poverty in the country. More than 40% of the country, under any given measure, you can eventually locate within the poverty margins. But at the same time, there is prosperity in the country as well. And what we can do to make sure that we can use this prosperity in order to provide an additional level of support for social mobility. "
In a previous article I covered "Why More Companies Are Partnering with the UN to Improve Growth and Sustainability Goals". What's interesting to me, is Galvis has really taken the path out by the 193 countries that established the Sustainable Development Goals, practically SDG # 17, Public-Private Partnerships. The lesson in # 17 is for private origins to lead sustainable business models to help social or community development through public channel co-operation. Imperative Fund has just done - and now Mexico is looking to Galvis and Fuentes to expand their efforts from a single pilot location to six locations offering local municipality support.
The Privatization of Doing Good
For Galvis and Fuentes, the ability to work philanthropically, while still knowing they are able to create a robust return on investment is part of what makes the work so gratifying - and such a refreshing change of pace from traditional charities and non-profits. "We do not have to worry about what we are going to do," he said. Federal government, in order for this to be a reality. "
"At the end of the day, what we're trying to do is privatize social mobility," explains Galvis. "So when we started doing this work, we moved into a gray area. For example, many philanthropic organizations, which would be the ones that would be, initially, considered to be interested in such a project, where there is sustainability and then you can just grow, Community to the next.
Of course, Galvis and Fuentes have certainly experienced their share of challenges. Says Galvis: "Because of the bylaws of philanthropic organizations, they would be constrained in terms of how much they could contribute to our organization, because now we have a profit, not a not-for-profit. We feel very proud that we can not only get the money, but offer the five percent return.
The progress has already begun "I can tell you that we're getting great support from, not only multilateral institutions, but we're also getting a lot of family offices involved that actually consider Financial return, but there is the social return that we are pursuing. "
When I asked Mr. Camilo Galvis what his personal goals were and where he envisioned Imperative Fund and the good work they are doing going in the end. Galvis simply responded, "if in the next decade or couple of decades we succeed in privatizing social mobility and poverty elimination, as a result of the specific framework we developed, this would also undoubtedly result in financial success The objective of the Fund is to provide financial support to the Fund, In this respect, imagine if in a couple of decades from today we live in a world where there are 9 or 10 companies worldwide, which is more efficient, with a better return for its investors Around the globe. That could prove the ultimate measure of our success. "
Reference Sources:Daily Earning per Click 10$
How to make money from app development
How to make money from app development
The app market is bigger than it's ever been and, while it seems there's a lean towards free apps as opposed to paid-for products, there's still plenty of money to be made in the market.
We'll come into this article assuming you have a little pre-existing knowledge of coding and can work your way around a portable language like Xcode or Unity – it's a little outside our scope to teach you how to program the things.
Instead, we're looking at ways you can exploit your skills, get yourself in the right places, and bring in some cash from the potentially lucrative handheld software market.
The app market is bigger than it's ever been and, while it seems there's a lean towards free apps as opposed to paid-for products, there's still plenty of money to be made in the market.
We'll come into this article assuming you have a little pre-existing knowledge of coding and can work your way around a portable language like Xcode or Unity – it's a little outside our scope to teach you how to program the things.
Instead, we're looking at ways you can exploit your skills, get yourself in the right places, and bring in some cash from the potentially lucrative handheld software market.
How To Make Money When Someone Wants To 'Pick Your Brain'
How To Make Money When Someone Wants To 'Pick Your Brain'
When you're trying to run a business, it can be frustrating when everyone wants to just "pick your brain." (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)
A lot of people want something for nothing. How many times has someone asked you if they could “pick your brain” or mentioned that they want to collaborate with you? What does “collaborate” even mean? Many times they want your expertise for free.
To run a successful business, you must make a profit. Realizing that giving a certain amount of advice for free helps build your customer base, a natural tendency may be to help whomever you can. But you cannot be a doormat. You must maintain respect for yourself, your business and your brand. You have value, and it’s your job to maintain your value.
The next time someone wants to “pick your brain,” do these six things:
1. Decide whether to respond or not.
Conduct Internet research on the individual to determine business potential. Have you heard of them? Are they reputable? Do they work at a company with resources? Gather the information you need to decide whether this individual is worth your time.
2. Offer availability on weeknights or weekends.
If you see a potential business opportunity, respond to the request and maintain control over your time. Let them know that you reserve weekdays for clients, and offer your weeknight and weekend availability for “brain picking.” Alternatively, offer your availability at a later date when you may be less busy.
If the person wants something for free, they must be willing to sacrifice their personal time or wait for you. You need to keep business hours for people willing to do business with you. If the person wants to speak sooner or at a more convenient time, they will understand that they must pay for your time.
3. Keep the conversation to 20 minutes.
Keep “brain picking” sessions to 20 minutes (tip: phone conversations are easier to keep short than in-person conversations). Reserve 30 minute (the shortest, generally acceptable duration to bill) or longer sessions for paying clients. If the individual wants more time with you, tell them what you charge. Your time is valuable.
4. Add value.
If you schedule a “brain picking” session, this is your chance to position yourself for a paying opportunity. This is time to add value and for them to see that your value is directly applicable to them, their organization or their situation.
Demonstrate that you understand their goals, priorities and challenges. Do a quick Google search to gain insight on this information. The more they see you understand them, the more likely they will want to do business with you.
When you're trying to run a business, it can be frustrating when everyone wants to just "pick your brain." (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)
A lot of people want something for nothing. How many times has someone asked you if they could “pick your brain” or mentioned that they want to collaborate with you? What does “collaborate” even mean? Many times they want your expertise for free.
To run a successful business, you must make a profit. Realizing that giving a certain amount of advice for free helps build your customer base, a natural tendency may be to help whomever you can. But you cannot be a doormat. You must maintain respect for yourself, your business and your brand. You have value, and it’s your job to maintain your value.
The next time someone wants to “pick your brain,” do these six things:
1. Decide whether to respond or not.
Conduct Internet research on the individual to determine business potential. Have you heard of them? Are they reputable? Do they work at a company with resources? Gather the information you need to decide whether this individual is worth your time.
2. Offer availability on weeknights or weekends.
If you see a potential business opportunity, respond to the request and maintain control over your time. Let them know that you reserve weekdays for clients, and offer your weeknight and weekend availability for “brain picking.” Alternatively, offer your availability at a later date when you may be less busy.
If the person wants something for free, they must be willing to sacrifice their personal time or wait for you. You need to keep business hours for people willing to do business with you. If the person wants to speak sooner or at a more convenient time, they will understand that they must pay for your time.
3. Keep the conversation to 20 minutes.
Keep “brain picking” sessions to 20 minutes (tip: phone conversations are easier to keep short than in-person conversations). Reserve 30 minute (the shortest, generally acceptable duration to bill) or longer sessions for paying clients. If the individual wants more time with you, tell them what you charge. Your time is valuable.
4. Add value.
If you schedule a “brain picking” session, this is your chance to position yourself for a paying opportunity. This is time to add value and for them to see that your value is directly applicable to them, their organization or their situation.
Demonstrate that you understand their goals, priorities and challenges. Do a quick Google search to gain insight on this information. The more they see you understand them, the more likely they will want to do business with you.
Local demand, global cues boost gold rates
Local demand, global cues boost gold rates
KOCHI : After a weak December marked by tepid demand and muted sales, gold prices increased Rs 330 on Tuesday to touch a one-month high of Rs 29,030 for 10 grams. The rise was largely driven by positive global cues and robust buying by local jewellers.
According to bullion traders, sentiment in market improved after the yellow metal moved up in global markets as weakness in the US dollar raised demand. Globally, gold rose 0.43 per cent to $1,185.90 an ounce in Singapore.
“The US dollar weakened ahead of the US President-elect Donald Trump’s first official news conference. The Dollar index that measures the US dollar against a basket of currencies declined as investors booked profit. Gold price breached a month high level supported by a weak dollar,” said a research report by Geofin Comtrade.
In Delhi, gold of 99.9 and 99.5 per cent purity climbed Rs 330 each to Rs 29,030 and Rs 28,880 for 10 grams, respectively, a level last seen on December 5 when it had closed at Rs 29,050. Sovereign, however, remained unaltered at Rs 24,200 per eight gram in limited deals. Gold price was down by Rs 40 a gram on Monday.
“The price at the world level will remain range-bound at $1,150-$1,250 at least in the first six months of 2017. Also, the purchasing power was increased due to disbursal of salaries and pensions. The adverse impact of demonetisation is also getting diluted. The price in Kerala was Rs 2,690 a gram,” said S Abdul Nazar of Koickal Jewellers.
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